Return & Exchange
At Jobner, we want your shopping experience to be a pleasant one. However, if something is not right, we are committed to taking every possible step to resolve your concern.
Before initiating a return request for a Jobner product, we request that you please take a moment to learn how our products are made. All of our products are handmade by traditional artisans in India. Hence, each product is a one-of-a-kind piece, and slight variations, especially in the gemstone used, shades of the gemstone used, are a part of this artisanal quality. Every item undergoes stringent quality control measures before being shipped.
Additionally, please bear in mind that due to the hand made nature of our jewellery, your purchase may differ slightly to the ones shown in the photographs owing to the above. While we strive to display and describe items as accurately as possible as well as showing the colours of our jewellery at their best, however as digital screens vary, it is not possible for us to guarantee the full accuracy of any colour.
Returns are allowed if:
- An incorrect product has been sent
- The product is damaged or has a genuine manufacturing defect.
Under these circumstances, we will send you the replacement free of charge as soon as possible.
We request you to return the items exactly as you received them, unworn and with their original packaging.
Please follow the steps mentioned below to return the order.
- If you face any issues with your order, we are there to assist you. Please let us know of the issue within 48 hours of receiving your order. Send an email to or connect with us at WhatsApp on +91 9257045032 regarding the issue.
- In order for us to process your request for return, we request you to provide a photograph of the product received. This would help us in understanding the issue and resolve your concern better. Once our Quality Control team analyses and takes a decision, we will convey it to you via email or WhatsApp.
- Once we confirm the return via email or WhatsApp, we will try to organise a courier to collect the goods and return them to us. In case that method is ineffective, we request you to return the product to us and we will refund the courier charges. The product can be returned within 7 days from the time you receive an email confirmation regarding the return from us.
- Upon receiving the product and upon our Quality Control team’s approval that the product is in its original condition and in original packaging, we will replace the items free of charge.
- Please note that it would not be possible for us to initiate the return process if we are not informed about the issue within 48 hours of product receipt.
If you wish to exchange a product, please follow the steps given below.
- Please notify us with your exchange request within 48 hours of receiving your order. Send an email to or connect with us at WhatsApp on +91 9257045032.
- Once we confirm the exchange via email or WhatsApp, we will try to organise a courier to collect the goods and return them to us. In case that method is ineffective, we request you to return the product to us. You would be required to bear the shipping and handling charges. Please ensure that the product reaches us within 7 days from the time you receive an email confirmation regarding the exchange from us.
- Upon receiving the product and upon our Quality Control team’s approval that the product is in its original condition, you will be eligible for an exchange. We will issue a credit note for the cost of goods paid. You can either choose a product for the same value, or multiple products for the same value from our website. Please note that you would be required to use the credit note in its entirety at once.
- Please note that it would not be possible for us to initiate the exchange process if we are not informed within 48 hours of product receipt.
In case of any queries, feel free to reach out to us via email at or connect with us at WhatsApp on +91 9257045032.
If you face any issue, we request you to please reach out to us via email at or connect with us at WhatsApp on +91 9257045032. We will take every step possible to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.
In case an order request is placed and the customer cancels the order within 48 hours, the balance will be refunded to the customer within 30 days through the same mode of payment used at the time of placing the order.
To cancel your order please write to us at or connect with us at WhatsApp on +91 9257045032 with your order details. We will get in touch with you to understand the reason for cancellation and will also confirm the cancellation for you.
If you have more queries regarding your order, please reach out to us via email or WhatsApp +91 9257045032.